Hints & tips / FAQ
Hints & tips

What is the best way to take the photo of the t-shirt I wear

The best way to take the photo of the t-shirt I wear is shown by the few examples displayed below. But in short it needs to be clear, in focus and up close. From the neck to the waist band is by far the best and most useful to others. If you are able to, make sure there is a clear and uncomplicated background. Our image recognition pixel minions, should they need to look for a t-shirt like it, will also have a much better chance.


Do I need an Instagram account to join in the fun?

In this current version you do. In later releases we hope to widen the reach and enable other social platforms the ability to contribute.

Create an Instagram Account here.

Why isn't my t-shirt showing?

The most likely reason is that you have your Instagram feed set as 'private' and image posts can only be viewed by those in your own personal network. You may need to alter your Instagram settings for us to be able to place your photo into our feed.

Why can't I 'add love' directly from the page?

In the current version of The T-Shirt I Wear, you need to be logged into Instagram and 'like' the t-shirt from there. This makes it easier to retain the 'likes' whenever the t-shirt image is called into our feed. In later releases we hope to improve this experience and allow our users the ability to add love directly from the feed.

When I try to buy the t-shirt I like, why doesn't it give me the links and things I am looking for?

Firstly: It is important the image that is uploaded is clear and in focus. The more of the t-shirt image the clever image recognition pixel minions we employ can see, the better chance they have of returning you the links and offers you are looking for.

Secondly: The t-shirt that is featured in the The T-Shirt I Wear feed may not be on general release in retail shops or is a one-off unique design created by the wearer themselves and therefore unfortunately unavailable to purchase. However the clever image recognition pixel minions we employ will do their best to provide you with the links and offers to similar products that best match the t-shirt you are looking for.

How do I remove my image from The T-Shirt I Wear feed?

The quickest and best thing to do is remove the hashtag #thetshirtiwear you have placed within the image caption. This is what our t-shirt minions look for when they are sent to out to find your tagged images.

In the current version of The T-Shirt I Wear, we do not store your posted image on our servers, so once the hashtag has been removed it should no longer appear in our feed.